Page:Mexico, California and Arizona - 1900.djvu/587

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Pomona, 448.
Port Ysabel Railroad, 459, 474.
Portuguese settlers, 359, 368, 412.
Precious metals, yield of, 319.
Presidio, the, at San Francisco, 298.


Quicksilver mine of Guadalupe, 364;
of New Almaden, 364.


Railroad, Arizona Southern, the, 485;
Atlantic and Pacific, the, 458;
California Southern, the, 458; Central
Pacific, the, 298; Southern Pacific,
the, 844, 370, 381, 404, 480; Texas
Pacific, the, 458; to Port Ysabel
proposed, 459, 474.
Railroads, freight tariff of, 454; grievances of small towns against, 381;
life of surveyors on, 465.
Rainfall, 383.
Raisin-making, 343, 397.
Ralston, phenomenal career of, 304,
332, 355.
Ranch, the Bellevue, 410; the Livermore, 415; the San Emidio, 415; the Santa Margarita, 462; the Sunny Slope, 442.
Ranches, great extent of, 364, 410,
462; small, or farms, 358.
Ranch-house, a typical, 413.
Ranchmen, notable, 364, 406, 419.
Redwood lumber, 304, 364.
Redwoods, the, 312.
"Renters," 312.
Rivers, California, 402.
Riverside, 448.
Rodeo, a, 415.
Russian Hill, 301.

Sacramento, 343, 475.
Saint Charles's-day, 379.
San Bernardino, town of, 448; Mountain, 451.
San Buenaventura, 455.
San Carlos Mission, 374.
San Diego, 456.
San Emidio Ranch, 416.
San Fernando, 126, 440.
San Francisco, 277, 296; alleys, system of, 308; architecture of, 304, 308, 326; Bay of, 296, 346; Bohemian Club of, 312; cable roads of, 325; cemeteries of, 310; Chinese at, 302, 333, 340; Cliff House, 307, 316; climate of, 342; cosmopolitan traits of, 312; earthquakes in, precautions against, 303, 326; effect
of new Constitution on, 322; elections at, 322; environs of, 298, 344, 346; financial institutions of, 304; foreign colonies of, 329; in Forty-nine, 302, 332; Golden Gate of, 316; Golden Gate Park of, 342; grading, freaks of, at, 26; hotels of, 310; Kearneyite agitation in, 298, 321; Meigs, "Harry," of, 332; Mercantile Library of, 311; Mexican element in, 330; notable residences in, 325; population of, 303; product of the bonanza mines of, 319; relations of, to Oceanica and the Orient, 312; rise of Flood and O'Brien in, 320; School of Design of, 311; School of Writers of, 333; site of, 296, 302; "Society" in,
311; sources of prosperity of, 319;
speculative madness in, 307, 319; stock exchange of, 307; streets of, 304, 324; summary of its history, 320; volume of trade of, 312; water-supply of, 357.
San Gabriel, 442; old mission of, 440.
San Jacinto Mountain, 451.
San Joaquin Valley, 384; Kings River
Canal in, 404; desert of, 386.
San José, 343, 349, 359.