Page:Mexico, California and Arizona - 1900.djvu/588

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San Luis Obispo, 417.
San Luis Key, 464.
San Quentin, 298.
San Rafael, 298.
San Xavier del Bac, 506.
Sancelito, 298, 303.
Sand Lots, the, 298.
Santa Ana, 448 ; valley of (upper), 467.
Santa Barbara, 455 ; Channel of, 295.
Santa Catalina Island, 437.
Santa Clara, 350 ; Valley of, 346.
Santa Cruz, 365, 370.
Santa Margarita Ranch, 462.
Santa Monica, 454.
Schieffelin, "Ed," 486.
Serra, Junipero, Father, 368.
Seven Palms, 470.
Sharon, Senator, 355.
Sheep-herders, 420.
Sheep-raising, 407.
Sierra Madre Villa, 436.
"Society” at San Francisco, 311
Sonoma, 343.
Soquel, 365.
Southern California, 343; as an
"Earthly Paradise," 346, 380, 398, 436.
Southern element (American) in California, 413.
Southern Pacific Railroad, 381,480;
coast division of the, 344, 470 ; conflict of, with settlers at Mussel
Slough, 404.
Spanish element (see Mexican Element).
Spanish names of towns, etc., 351.
"Spanishtown," 402, 408, 426.
Spring Valley Water Company, 357.
Stage robberies in Arizona, 483, 496.
Stanford, Leland, ex-Governor, 353.
Stanton, Edward M., report on land frauds, 429.
Stock-gambling, 307, 319.
Stock-ranges in Arizona, 485 ; in California, 383, 410, 419.
Stockton, 384.
Strategic military positions in Arizona, 477.
Suisun Bay, 301.
"Sunny Slope," 442.
Surveyor-general, a, 410.
Surveyors, Railroad, 465.

Table Mountain, 454.
Tamalpais, Mount, 298, 303, 328.
Taylor, Bayard, 34.
Telegraph Hill, 301, 303, 327.
Temecula Canon, 465.
Temecula Plains, 467.
Temperance Colony, 395.
Territory acquired from Mexico, great
value of, 479.
Texas Pacific Railroad, 458.
Tichborne claimant, a, 466.
Timber-flume, a, 385.
"Tom " Scott, 458.
Tombstone, 482.
Tree-planting along irrigating canals, 394.
Tucson, 502.
Tulare County, 399.
Tulare Lake, 405.
Tustin City, 448.
" Two Years Before the Mast," 456.

Ventura County, honey from, 456.
Villas of the San Francisco millionaires, 352.
Vines, experimental varieties of, 364,
Visalia, 399.
Vise, founder of Visalia, 399.
Viticulture, processes and results, 362, 395, 489.

Wages of laborers on ranch, 412.
Water, great need and value of, on the land, 384, 391,