Page:Mexico and its reconstruction.djvu/343

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Huerta, 50
Huerta, 51
Huerta, 53
Huerta, 74
labor legislation and, 142
Hughes, Secretary of State, and Mexican relations, 264
Humboldt, Alexander von:
estimation of Mexican population by, 12
estimation of wages of agricultural laborer in year 1804 by, 135
Indian tribes in Mexico, 16
Indigo exported from Mexico, 189
Indigo industry during nineteenth century in Mexico, 176
Industry and internal commerce of Mexico, 175-186
agriculture, 181
agriculture, 185
brandy, 179
breweries, 179
candy and chocolate factories, 178
cattle industry, 184
cochineal, during nineteenth century, 176
coffee crop, 184
coining of silver, 175
cotton goods, 176
cotton goods, 177
cotton goods, 178
effect of development of oil regions on, 180
effect of lack of coal on, 180
effect of re-adoption of gold standard on, 186
effect of revolution on, 185
electrical power development, 179
foreigners as a factor in, 181-183
glass and faience factories, 176
groceries, 182
hardware, 183
Industry and internal commerce:
indigo, during nineteenth century, 176
inducements offered by the government in nineteenth century, 176
influence of foreign trade on, 180-182
iron and steel, 182
jewelry, 182
jute, 178
liquor trade, 182
machinery and machinery supplies, 183
Mexico City as center of, 184
mining, 185
mining, 195
present status of, 183
printing establishments, 176
rum, 178
silks, 176
silks, 182
silver, 175
silver, 185
stock-raising, 184
sugar, 178, 184
textile manufacturing, 175-178
centers of, 176
tobacco manufacture, 179
tobacco manufacture, 185
woolen goods, 176
woolen goods, 178
Infalsificable notes, 86
Infalsificable notes, 89
Iron, exportation of, from Mexico, 202
Iron and steel, importation of, into Mexico, 194
Iron and steel, importation of, into Mexico, 202
Iron and steel industries in Mexico, 182
Iron goods, importation of, into Mexico, 203
Israelites in Mexico, 22
Jalisco, population of, 14
Jefes politicos, 63
during Diaz régime, 63
Juarez, 43
second election of, 50
Jute manufacturing, 178