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bribe demanded by the operating force of the railway. The amount of bribe money per car increased until at last he was met with the demand for $1,600 in order to secure" delivery of a car of freight. This he paid and then closed up his business and left the country, as he found it impossible to continue under such exactions.

El Excelsior, a daily newspaper published in Mexico City, in its issue of November 28, 1917, contained the following:

"Under the pretext of modifying the law of organization of departments of government, Deputy Reynoso began yesterday in the Chamber of Deputies a sensational debate, brilliantly ended by Sanchez Ponton, on the economic management of the railways. According to these and other orators, the railway officials have made their hay to the damage of the public, of the nation, and of the credit which we used to have in foreign parts. The orator referred to the deal for the sale of waste material made a short time ago and says that he can prove that two-thirds of the iron and steel sold was new and perfect. Furthermore, he reads a statement of from January to June, 1917, according to which there were 238 railway accidents due to negligence of the employees and the neglect of old track repairment by Pescador, Director General of Railways.

"The Secretary read documents to prove that baggage and other railway matters are controlled by a brother-in-law of Pescador from which damage and delays of passengers result.
