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"Sanchez Ponton read the contract made between Pescador and the Senator General Nafaratte for the sale of so-called waste material at $10 per ton and observes that the business was so good for the purchasers that the same Senator Nafarette ceded his rights for four pesos per ton and that the two gentlemen who figured as accomplices in the operation did the same thing.

"He continues making charges against certain other people on account of divers contracts as bad as that just cited and especially refers to one in which 70 pesos per ton was paid for steel belonging to the national railways"

El Universal of the same date, in its account of the proceedings in the Mexican Congress, contains the following:

"Among other charges by Deputy Reynoso made against Pescador, the worst is relating to a sale of a great lot of so-called old iron at $10 per ton when he states the fact is that three-fourths of this iron was new iron and that in it were 180 wheels and axles from Monterey."


"Deputy Ponton read a copy of a contract made between Senator General Nafaratte and Messrs. Salazar and Maples, by means of which the first of said gentlemen transferred his rights to the second in a purchase made from the constitutionalist railways of 20,000 tons of old iron at $10 per ton. Nafaratte charged 4 pesos for each ton as a profit in the transfer. Later Ponton read a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation of the company organized by a brother of the railway auditor, the first