Page:Mion-Chaint - Ua Laoghaire (1899).djvu/24

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Is duine é.
It is a human being.
Duine iseaḋ é.
Duine atá ann.
Ba ḋuine é.
It was a human being.
Duine dob eaḋ é.
Duine a ḃí ann.
Is indé a ḃíos i gCorcaig.
It is yesterday I was in Cork.
Indé a ḃíos i gCorcaig.
Is indiu atáim ag teaċt aḃaile.
It is to-day I am coming home.
Indiu atáim ag teaċt aḃaile.
Is amáraċ a ċasfad.
It is on to-morrow I shall return.
Amáraċ a ċasfad.
Amáraċ iseaḋ a ċasfad.

Sometimes the very nature of the statement will not allow “is” to be used in past time.

Is láidir atá Diarmuid.
Dermod is strong.
Is láidir a ḃí Diarmuid indé.
Dermod was strong yesterday.
Is láidir a ḃeiḋ sé amáraċ.
He will be strong to-morrow.

But we cannot say:—

Is láidir an fear Diarmuid nuair a ḃí sé óg. We must say, ba láidir an fear Diarmuid nuair a ḃí sé óg, Dermod was a strong man when he was young. It does not follow that he is a strong man now. But we can say, Is láidir a ḃí Diarmuid nuair a ḃí sé óg, because it is true now that he was strong then.