Page:Mion-Chaint - Ua Laoghaire (1899).djvu/27

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Má ’s ocras atá air taḃarfad rud le n-iṫeaḋ ḋó.
If it is hungry he is, I shall give him something to eat.
Dá mb’ ocras a ḃeiḋeaḋ air ṫaḃarfainn rud le n-iṫeaḋ ḋó.
If he was hungry I would give him something to eat.
Má ’s dóṁsa a ṫugais é tá sé agam.
If it is to me you gave it, I have it.
Dá mba ḋóṁsa ṫaḃarfá é ḃeiḋeaḋ sé agam.
If you had given it to me I should have it.
Má ’s ’na ċodla atá sé ní ’l baoġal air.
If it is asleep he is, he is all right.
Dá mba’ na ċodla ḃeiḋeaḋ sé ní ḃeiḋeaḋ baoġal air.
If he were asleep he would be all right; there would be no danger of him.
Má tá a ṫuilleaḋ agam ġeaḃair é.
If I have any more you'll get it.
Dá mbeiḋeaḋ a ṫuilleaḋ agam ġeaḃṫá é.
If I had any more you should get it.
Ba ṁaiṫ liom dá ḃféadainn raḋarc d’ ḟaġail air.
I should like if I could get a view of it.
Ba ṁaiṫ liom go laḃarfá.
I should like you to speak.
Ba ṁaiṫ liom go n-éistfá.
I should like you to keep silent.
Ba ṁaiṫ liom go dtiocfá agus laḃairt liom.
I should like you to come and speak to me.
Ba ṁaiṫ liom go ḃfanfá ṫoir sa ḃaile ḋuit féin.
I should like you to remain east at home for yourself.
Dá mb’ áil leat éisteaċt ḃeiḋinn ana ḃuiḋeaċ díot.
If you would hold your tongue I would be very much obliged to you.