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ments on my illustrated poem, I will say: It is the righteous prayer that avails with God. Whatever is wrong will receive its own reward. The high priests of old caused the crucifixion of even the great Master; and thereby they lost, and he won, heaven. I love all ministers and ministries of Christ, Truth.

All clergymen may not understand the illustrations in “Christ and Christmas;” or that these refer not to personality, but present the type and shadow of Truth's appearing in the womanhood as well as in the manhood of God, our divine Father and Mother.

Must I have faith in, Christian Science in order to be healed by it?

This is a question that is being asked every day. It has not proved impossible to heal those who, when they began treatment, had no faith whatever in the Science, — other than to place themselves under my care, and follow the directions given. Patients naturally gain confidence in Christian Science as they recognize the help they derive therefrom.

What are the advantages of your system of healing, over the ordinary methods of healing disease?

Healing by Christian Science has the following advantages: —

First: It does away with all material medicines, and recognizes the fact that, as mortal mind is the cause of all “the ills that flesh is heir to,” the antidote for sickness, as well as for sin, may and must be found in mortal mind's opposite, — the divine Mind.

Second: It is more effectual than drugs; curing where