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these fail, and leaving none of the harmful “after effects” of these in the system; thus proving that metaphysics is above physics.

Third: One who has been healed by Christian Science is not only healed of the disease, but is improved morally. The body is governed by mind; and mortal mind must be improved, before the body is renewed and harmonious, — since the physique is simply thought made manifest.

Is spiritualism or mesmerism included in Christian Science?

They are wholly apart from it. Christian Science is based on divine Principle; whereas spiritualism, so far as I understand it, is a mere speculative opinion and human belief. If the departed were to communicate with us, we should see them as they were before death, and have them with us; after death, they can no more come to those they have left, than we, in our present state of existence, can go to the departed or the adult can return to his boyhood. We may pass on to their state of existence, but they cannot return to ours. Man is im-mortal, and there is not a moment when he ceases to exist. All that are called “communications from spirits,” lie within the realm of mortal thought on this present plane of existence, and are the antipodes of Christian Science; the immortal and mortal are as direct opposites as light and darkness.

Who is the Founder of mental healing?

The author of “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” who discovered the Science of healing em-