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Hab. In Novae Hollandiae ora australi ; Lewins Land : in collibns saxosis. (nbi v. v.)

  • 11. D. tenuifolia, foliis elongato-linearibus pinnatifidis

subtruncatis snbtuis niveis : basi attenuata integerrima petioliformi ; lobis triangularibus decurrentibus divaricatis margine recurvis, involucri bracteis tomentosis: exterioribus ovato-lanceolatis, calycis unguibus basi lanatis supra cau- leque glabris.

Hab. In Novas Hollandiae ora anstrali ; Lewins Land : in ericetis. (ubi v. v.)

  • 12. J) . jpteridifolia, foliis pinnatifidis caule tomentoso

longioribus : lobis linearibus acutis mucronatis margine revolutis basi dilatatis, involucri bracteis tomentosis ovatis.

Hab. In Novae Hollandiae ora australi; Lewins Land: ad latera saxosa collium. (ubi v. v.)

  • 13. D. bleclinifolia, foliis pinnatifidis caule tomentoso

longioribus : lobis linearibus obtusis mucronulatis trinervi- bus margine recurvis basi simplici.

Hab. In Novae Hollandiae ova australi ; Lewins Land : prope King George's Sound. D. Archibald Menzies. (v. s. absque fructificatione.)

Obs. Ad hoc genus retuli, ob summam affinitatem cum Dry andrd pteridif olid, cujus vix varietas.

��216] To render this essay as complete as I am able, I pro- ceed to notice such plants, as either belong or have been referred to Proteaceae, but from my imperfect acquaintance with which, or from the unsatisfactory accounts hitherto given of them, could not with certainty be referred to any of the genera described, or, if referable to any of them, I could not with confidence propose as distinct species ; and shall conclude with the addition of a few synonyms to the species described, from Ray's Historia Plantarum, which

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