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had escaped me when the paper was first read to the Society.

Leucadendron linifolium, foliis lineari-spathulatis aversis basi attenuatis ramisque glabris, capitulo masculo sessili foliis circumvallantibus longiore, calycis tubo barbato: laminis stylisque imberbibus.

Protea linifolia. Jacq. Hort. Schcenb. 1, p. 11, t. 26.

Obs. There can be no doubt of the genus of this plant, or of the individual figured by Jacquin being a male. Prom the same figure, by which alone I am acquainted with it, it seems to be very nearly related to Leucadendron tortum, from which it differs in having the male heads sessile, and in the laminae t)f the calyx being quite smooth.

hw CADvmyRON fusciJloruM, foliis lineari-lanceolatis glabris junioribus rectis basi attenuatis, capitulo femineo foliis cir- cumvallantibus breviore, calycis laminis plumoso-barbatis : tubo pilosiusculo.

Protea fusciflora. Jacq. Hort. Schcenb. I, p. 11, t. 27.

This also is known to me only from JacqmVs figure, [217 from which it is unquestionably a Leucadendron, and a. female plant ; it can hardly however be supposed the female of the preceding species ; and though I have constructed a specific character for it, I think it is not improbably a variety of Leucadendron angustatum.


Protea linearis. Houtt. Nat. Hist. par. 2, vol. 4, p. 116, t. 19,/ 2, ed. Germ. vol. 3, p. 84, t. 19.

This is undoubtedly a Leucadendron, and probably a female plant ; but from the figure alone its species cannot be determined.


Protea stellaris. Sims, Bot. Mag. 881.

Seems to be a male plant, and apparently«different from anything I have seen. From the form of the leaves and the length of those surrounding the capital urn, 1 am

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