Page:Mongolia, the Tangut country, and the solitudes of northern Tibet vol 2 (1876).djvu/46

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conduced to the success of the expedition. Separated as we were from our own country, in the midst of foreigners, we lived like brothers, sharing alike hardships and dangers, joys and sorrows. Can I ever forget the companions whose fearless courage and devotion to the cause contributed so powerfully to ensure our ultimate success? ...

As soon as the new Cossacks arrived at Kalgan, I divided between them the rifles and revolvers, and daily practised them in their use. Before starting on our journey we went through the manœuvres for repelling a false attack; for this purpose we fixed a target at a distance of 300 paces, and all fired as rapidly as possible. The results were brilliant: it was struck all over with our shot; and on another nearer mark the small bullets from the revolvers rained like a shower of peas. The Chinese collected in crowds to witness the sight, never before having seen breech-loaders, and only shook their heads as they looked on at the tricks of the 'foreign devils,' while some applauded vehemently, declaring that if they had but a thousand such soldiers, they would soon crush the Dungan insurrection.

Besides our trusty Faust, we now took a large and very savage Mongol dog, called 'Karza,' to serve as a watch-dog. This animal followed us through the whole of our second expedition, and was of great service. He soon forgot his former Mongol masters, and was a most inveterate enemy of all Chinese, frequently ridding us of intrusive visitors. On first acquaintance, Faust took a dis-