Page:Mongolia, the Tangut country, and the solitudes of northern Tibet vol 2 (1876).djvu/47

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like to Karza, and the two were bitter enemies to the last. It is remarkable how seldom European dogs fraternise with their Chinese or Mongol brethren, however long they may live in company with them.

Among other articles of outfit, we supplied ourselves with four flat water-barrels,[1] each holding about eight gallons. We had suffered terribly from the want of water during the hot weather in the first summer of our travels, and profiting by our past experiences we took a supply this time. Altogether, our equipment was more complete than last year. But the baggage for our second expedition weighed 27 cwt., making in all nine camel-loads. Every day we helped the Cossacks to pack the loads on the camels, having been unable to find a Mongol to replace the one who had accompanied us from Ala-shan to Kalgan, and who had refused to return to his home with us.

Before starting on our journey I sent a report to the Geographical Society, giving an account of our first year's travels, concluding in these words: 'Thanks to the cordial assistance rendered by our ambassador at Peking, I am now supplied with a passport from the Chinese Government to enable me to enter Koko-nor and Tibet. I have also two new Cossacks who appear to be trustworthy; and if we are all able to do our best, M. Pyltseff and I hope, notwithstanding all the difficulties which must

  1. When the Mongols cross the Gobi in summer they always carry some of these flat water-casks, which they call Khubina; two of them filled with water make a load for one camel.