Page:Moving Picture Boys and the Flood.djvu/204

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Mr. Ringold and Mr. Piper came up on the run to view the find. As Blake had said, it was a large tin of pilot biscuit, and only a little water had come in, thanks to the waxed paper covering.

"Say, if we only had the clam chowder that goes with these crackers, wouldn't it be great!" mumbled Joe, as he took another pilot biscuit.

"Quit it!" begged Blake.

For, be it known, pilot biscuit are large, hard, round crackers, made on purpose for serving with clam chowder, with which they make a most excellent combination.

As they sat there in the dusk, making a meal off these crackers, and drinking water (a spring having been found) Mr. Piper asked:

"Where did you say you found these, Blake?"

"Right up there, on that little knoll, by the big tree."

"And how did you say you thought they got there?"

"Why, I suppose the flood must have carried away a country store, and washed the box up, there."

"Did you see any other stuff washed up there—anything other than debris, or anything else in the eating line?"

"Not a thing—I wish I had."

"Well," remarked Mr. Piper, "I don't wish