Page:Moving Picture Boys and the Flood.djvu/205

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to raise false hopes, or anything like that, but I should say that this tin of pilot biscuit was dropped, or left, up there by someone who has been on, or who is still on, this island!"

"You mean—people?" cried Blake, leaping to his feet in surprise.

"That's what I mean. Why, this box of crackers never was washed up there by the flood—the water didn't come high enough. That box was dropped there by someone who took refuge on this island."

For a moment no one spoke, after C. C.'s announcement. Then Mr. Ringold remarked:

"I believe you're right!"

"Of course I'm right," declared the actor. "Why, it stands to reason that the box of biscuit was never washed up here. The flood hasn't got that high yet."

"And do you think whoever dropped it is still here?" asked Joe.

"That's more than I can say," went on Mr. Piper. "They may have been here a short time, and gone off again. Pilot biscuit is often carried on boats, for it keeps well, and is always good eating. Some boating party may have been here before the flood, having a picnic, as it were."

"Don't talk of picnics!" begged Blake. "It makes me think of good things to eat."