Page:Moving Picture Boys and the Flood.djvu/206

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"Well, aren't you eating?" Joe wanted to know, with a grim smile.

"It's better than nothing," admitted Blake, as he took another cracker.

Our friends passed a wretched night. If you have ever tried to sleep in a leaky tent, in the rain, having had nothing worth while to eat, and, at the same time, anxious about your safety, you can, perhaps, imagine what Blake, Joe and the others suffered. They slept in fitful dozes, in spite of their wretchedness, and how they welcomed the morning light, raining though it was!

"First call for breakfast!" shouted Joe, as he brought out the tin of biscuits. "Regular prison fare—bread and water," he commented, with a laugh.

"Well, it's better than nothing," declared Mr. Piper, and the others rejoiced that, in this time of adversity, he could be so cheerful.

Leaving the cameras and films under cover of the tent and some blankets, as well as in the water-proof coverings, the party set off on a tour of exploration.

"We'll see if there are any persons on this island," said Mr. Ringold.

Through the rain they started off. It was not easy going, and they were weak from lack of proper food.