Page:Moving Picture Boys and the Flood.djvu/80

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There were many things to be done, and, at the last moment some repairs had to be made.

The rain stopped unexpectedly the day after the arrival of our friends in Hannibal, and Blake and Joe, hiring a rowboat, went out to get some moving pictures. They secured some fine views, but coming back they nearly had an accident. For their boat was caught in a cross-current, and would have been upset but for the prompt work of Blake, who swung it around and out of danger in time.

"Well, I guess we're ready, boys," announced the manager, tvo days after he had hired the motor boat. "We'll start out this morning. We've got plenty of food, and other supplies, in case we find the missing ones."

"And we've got plenty of films for pictures!" cried Joe, as he and Blake took their places. The rain still held off, and there were hopes that it would clear long enough for the flood to subside. But this was doubtful.

The Mississippi was still a raging torrent, but the Clytie was a stanch craft, and with care, would be able to navigate the turbulent stream.

"All aboard!" cried Joe. And thus their started on the trip.