Page:Moving Picture Boys and the Flood.djvu/81

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"Where are you going to head for first?" asked Blake, as he and Joe began "stowing away" their belongings, while Mr. Ringold stood at the wheel.

"For that island, where the hotel clerk said our friends went to make pictures," replied the manager. "I know about where it is, as nearly as he could tell me, and if they're not on the one they said they were going to, they may be on another, for there are several together."

"Do you imagine they would be there all this while?" asked Joe, as he got out one of the moving picture cameras, for they were at a place now where some thrilling views could be made.

"It is just possible they are," answered Mr. Ringold. "They may have landed, taken some pictures, and then something may have happened."

"Such as—what?" asked Mr. Piper. Of