Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/329

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Time.—About ½ an hour. Average Cost, 7d. to 8d. Sufficient for 1 goose, or 2 ducks.

405.—SAGE AND ONION STUFFING. (For roast Goose, Duck, and Pork.)

Ingredients.—4 large onions, 10 sage leaves, ¼ of a lb. of breadcrumbs, 1½ ozs. of butter, salt and pepper to taste, 1 egg.

Method.—Peel the onions, put them into boiling water, let them simmer for 5 minutes or rather longer, and, just before they are taken out, put in the sage leaves for a minute or two to take off their rawness. Chop both these very fine, add the bread, seasoning, and butter, and work the whole together with the yolk of an egg, when the stuffing will be ready for use. It should be rather highly seasoned, and the sage leaves should be very finely chopped. Many cooks do not parboil the onions in the manner just stated, but merely use them raw, but the stuffing then is not nearly so mild, and, to many tastes, its strong flavour would be very objectionable. When made for goose, a portion of the liver of the bird, simmered for a few minutes and very finely minced, is frequently added to this stuffing; and where economy is studied, the egg and butter may be dispensed with.

Time.—Rather more than 5 minutes, to simmer the onions. Average Cost, for this quantity, 4d. Sufficient for 1 goose, or a pair of ducks.

406.—SAUSAGE FARCE. (For Stuffing Turkey.)

Ingredients.—2 lb. of lean pork, 4 level tablespoonfuls of freshly-made breadcrumbs, ½ a teaspoonful of mixed herbs, ½ a teaspoonful of sage, 1 teaspoonful of salt, ½ a teaspoonful of pepper, the liver of the turkey finely chopped. Stock.

Method.—Cut the pork into small pieces, and pass it two or three times through the mincing machine. Add to it the breadcrumbs, herbs, liver, seasoning, and mix well together. Moisten with a very little stock, and use.

Time.—From 20 to 30 minutes. Average Cost, 1s. 6d. to 1s. 7d. Sufficient for one turkey.


Ingredients.—12 large oysters, 1 gill of stock, 4 ozs. of soft white breadcrumbs, a little grated lemon rind, 1 dessertsponful chopped parsely, 1 pinch of mace, 1½ oz. of butter, salt and pepper to taste.

Method.—Beard the oysters, save the liquor and put it with the beards and the stock and bring to the boil. Allow to simmer till the flavour is extracted from the beards, then strain. Mix together the breadcrumbs, grated lemon, chopped parsley, salt, pepper, butter, mace and the oysters chopped, bind the mixture with the egg and as