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ADVERTISEMENTS. VICTORIAN PERMANENT $r0pcrtu Enbestnuntt anb guilbing <§krri£ig. Instituted and Registered August, 1865.


The Largest, Most Successful, and Most Equitable Building Society in the Australian Colonies. ABOVE HALF-A-MILLION OF MONEY ALREADY ADVANCED ox FREEHOLDS. SHARES, £25 EACH. Entrance Fee, Is. per Share. Fortnightly Subscription, Is. per Investing Share. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, £1,250,000. PAID UP, £30 0,000. The following repayments include Principal and Interest for a loan of 4 Shares (£100) :— No. of Teara for which Loan ia effected. Fortnightly Repayments. Total Amount per Annnm. Total Amount Repaid. £14 17 8 14 8 13 11 8 £31 4 22 19 4 19 1 4 IS 18 IS 3 4 £124 18 187 16 152 10 8 169 182 The repayments may be made monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly, in advance. Any sum of money may also be obtained on the Security of Freehold Property, on Fixed Mortgage, at a low rate of interest, for such a term of years as may be agreed upon. Interest (and principal, if desired) payable by quarterly instalments. INSTRUCTIONS TO BORROWERS. . Take up as many Shares as will amount in value to the requisite loan, as under — For £25 ... One Share. I For £75 ... Three Shares. I For £125... Five Shares. „ 50 ... Two „ „ 100 ... Four „ | „ 150... Six „ And so od, taking Ooo Share for every £25. . Pay the entrance and survey fees, and obtain a printed form from the office of the Society, 46 Collins-street East, Melbourne. . In filling up the form be particular in describing the land offered as security, and the buildings erected or to bo erected thereon. Then send the form to the office of the Society. . If the money is required for the purpose of Building, send a plan and specification along with the application form to the office. . On receiving notice that the loan is granted, place yourself at once in communication with such one of the Society's Solicitors as you may bo directed at the office of the Society. . Survey Fees, 5s. first Share, and 2s. 6d. for every succeeding Share ; but if only two Shares, charge to be 10s.; and if number of Shares exceed ten, the allowance above ten up to twenty-live shall be Is. per Share, and then cease. Foregoing; only applicable within five miles from Melbourne ; beyond that distance, such Survey Fees as Committee may think reasonable. TO DEPOSITORS. Sums of Money received on Fixed Deposit on the following terms : — Repayablo 3 months from date of deposit 3 per cent, per annum. » ,S *' " i " ,, 1- i, if -■• ••■ ■■• 9 „ „ The office is open daily for receiving and paying Deposits. All Cheques and Post Office Orders are payable to James Monbo, Secretary. Prospectuses, Rules, Annual Reports, and every information, can be obtained at the SOCIETY'S OFFICES, 46 COLLINS STREET EAST, MELBOURNE. JAMES MUNRO, Skretabt.