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ADVERTISEMENTS. v' ICTORIAJSTS well may be allowed To be not only pleased, but proud. Of the National Galle-ree. For Pictures rich, and also rare, Ancient and modern Statues there. In plenty you may see. But if on Pictures you are bent. There is a man who can present One you may set your heart on. This Picture, life-size, is a gem, "THE JOHN BULL TAVERN, ONE P.M.," The artist's name is Barton. THE CELEBRATED JOHN BULL TAVERKT, "Where none but the Choicest Viands are served, is in LITTLE COLLINS STREET WEST, A few doors from Elizabeth-street. WM. BARTON, Proprietor. ASTROLOGY AND CHIROMANCY. DORETBIEA 8CHULTZ, 184 SI»H.I3SrC3- STUEDST, Near Carlton Gardens, Opposite Model Schools. " Advice of the Creations to the Nature, and persons wishing to be happy should be married in their own planet or temperament" A person born in the north and a person born in the south will never agree. A Planet may be obtained on reasonable terms. Seventeen years established in Australia and in Europe for many years with the greatest success. ID IR.. 3MC Y 3E! .


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