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mass literacy campaigns, which include literacy and functional knowledge and skills, and awareness among learners about the socio-economic reality and the possibility to change it.

4.12 [Since involvement of the participants of the literacy campaigns in the development programmes is of crucial importance, the National Literacy Mission will be geared to the national goals such as alleviation of poverty, national integration, environmental conservation, observance of the small family norm, promotion of women’s equality, universalisation of primary education, basic health-care, etc. It will also facilitate energisation of the cultural creativity of the people and their active participation in development processes.][1].

4.13 [Comprehensive programmes of post-literacy and continuing education will be provided for neo-literates and youth who have received primary education with a view to enabling them to retain and upgrade their literacy skills, and to harness it for the improvement of their living and working condition. These programmes would include:

  1. establishment of continuing education centres of diverse kind to enable adults to continue their education of their choice;
  2. workers’ education through the employers, trade unions and government;
  3. wider promotion of books, libraries and reading rooms;
  4. use of radio, TV and films—as mass as well as group learning media;
  5. creation of learners’ groups and organisations; and
  6. programmes of distance learning.][2].

4.14 A critical development issue today is the continuous upgradation of skills so as to produce manpower resources of the kind and the number required by the society. Special emphasis will, therefore, be laid on organisation of employment/self-employment oriented, and need and interest based vocational and skill training programmes.

  1. Substituted by Revised Policy Formulations
  2. Substituted by Revised Policy Formulations