Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/408

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SAILING DIRECTIONS. There appears to be a considerable difi?erence in the A. positions assigned to ALBATuOas ISLAND, by the French Sect. expedition and (?aptain Flirttiers; .the Former made the dif- S: forenee between the merid?m of Albatross Island, and that oF the rock in Sea-Elephant Bay, 24' 45"; whilst by the latter it is 32' 30". But as Captain Flinders only saw the north end of Ki]?G's ISLAND, the error seems to originate in his ha?ing !aid down its eastern side f?om other antho- rifles, for his difference of Ionffltude between its north-west point and the centre of Albatross Island only differs 2' 30" from the French, who surveyed that island with great care. Several sunken rocks have been discovered from time to time near the north end of GaBAT ISL&WD, SO that ships, bound through Bass' Strait to tim eastward, should not pus within Cra?y Island without using great cantlo,. The best passag? is on the south side of Kent's Group, between it and the rocky islet (Wm?aT's Rocx) to the south-east. In a line between the above rocky islet and Craggy Island, and about two miles f'Fom the i?ormer, is a reef with two small rocks upon it. (See HotsburGh, Supp. p. There are some considerable errora in Captain Flinders*s ehart of Yan Diemen's Land, with respect to the latitudes of the South-west Cape, the Mewstone, the South cape, and the land between them. Tl?e first is'lald down 8' too much to the N. 30 �(true), and the other places in pro* portion. %e corrected situations are given at page 2?3, the second volume ot this work.