Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/409

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?4 APPENDIX Sin. VIL SECTION VII. DESCRIPTION OF THE SHOAL8 AND REEF8 IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF THE COAST8 OF AUSTRALIA. RLIZABETH'S REEF, (see Horsburgh's Supp. p. 52,) in latitude 30 � and longitude 159 �s discovered by the ships Clandine and Marquis of Hastings, on the 16th of May, 1820. Within two cublea' length of the reef, they found fourteen fathoms: at a quarter of a-mile off tha depth was twcuty-tve fathoms,, but beyond that the bottom was not reached. It is about three miles in. circuit, with deep water in the centre: the edge is covered, but some stregglin? rocky lumps shew at intervals above the surface of the water. The east side of the reef extends about'N.N.E. and S.S.W. for one mile, but the greatest extent seemed to be W.N.W. and E.S.E. MIDDLETON'S SHOAL is in latitude 29 � and lon- gitude 158 �. (See Hersburgh, vol. it. p. 508.) CATO'S BANK is in lat. 23 � and long. 155 �. (Flinders, vol. it. p. 298, and Hersburgh, vol. ii. p. 509.) WRECK REEF is in latitude 22 � 23", and longitude 155 � 50'. (Fllnders, vol. ii. p. 330, and Hersberth, vol. ii. p. 509.) CARNS', or MID-DAY REEF, was discovered by Mr. Cams, the master of the ship Neptune, on the 21st of June, 1818; having taken a departure ?he day before from Sandy Cape. It extends east and west for a considerable dis-