Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/456

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Jllipr ItrA.] NATURAL I LWrORY. nearly or equal s?e with tlmse covering the commencement of the tail; they are furnished with a prominent mi&ib? and end in a point. The legs very short, compressed, oo- vered with nearly smooth, rather thin, scales. The toes ve T short; claws rather thick, and short. The tail about half the Length of tim body. Hetid, three i_.-ehes ioog. Body, seven inches. ' ' Tail, four inohes. Only one specimen of this exceedingly interesting ani- mal was brought home by Captain King, but the spirits in which it had been preserved had unfortunately evapors?ed, so that it was ?onsiderably injured; there is, however, specimen, apparently of the same animal, in the collection of the IAunean Society, which wants the end of its tail. The above specimen was found at King George the Third's Sound, and is preserved in the Museum. e. AGAM& MU?,I(2ATA, Lacerta mo. rlcata, ?Aato, is ;FA?ie'? Jour?d? of a F'oydg? to Ideer? Agunm, e?-. Y $Am?, Offs. g?/. ilj. OIL Icon. $kato, 6?. god. t* e&, and IFkite's Joue. t. 81. f. :8. This lizard was first described in Mr. White's Journal, by the late Dr. Shaw, who paid particular attention to that elm of animals; but he was afterwards inclined to consider it as only a variety of the common rioas Oal?ote, from which, however, it is quite distinct. It appears to be a young specimen, sin, ce its length is only seven inches, whilst that described by Dr. Shaw wu more than a foot in length; and some have been caught even of a m?toh larger size. The Doctor's figure is remark- ubly Sood) but rather more spinous thsm the specimon under