Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/517

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49? APPENDIX. lB. 98. CI?CLOSTOM?- AUS??LB, (n. s.) bida f?ci? ?i? f?c? tineta, f? brai f?tlb? 5 co?s e?ic? ICO?. ? Shell orblcu?, ne?ly ?i-fo?, whi? ? two p?bro? bands on e?h whorl; ?e one ne? t? 8u? o?er, pl? on ?he middle of the whod, br?; whorls fi?; ?n- vex ?unded, with numerous c]o? concen?c f?; a? ?bi- Hca?d; umbHicus .ra?er narrow, deep; ape?u? ?ther mo? one h? the len? of ?e ?; pe?s? (not fo? 99. ?HITON RVGOSU8, (n. l?vi. S?II ?th eight ?v? hid; ?lv? cove? ? nu?s smoot, b? 1?. PATELL& TBAM?tGA, CA?s. xL 1?. Icon. C? ?. t. 197. f. 1919, 191& 101. PATBLLA ?mATA, Ch?m xi. I?. Icon. CA?. ?. t. 1?. f. 1916, 191% ?en young, the fo? of this ?eH is mo? c?c? ?ove quo? ?d ?e outer 8?e i8 ?ely r?a?ly Pa?la melano?nmm? ?, not ?. Icon. 3o?. G?. f. ?en ?i8 shell 18 young, or when the older 8?imens ha? Hv? in deep wa?r, whe? their su? ? u? ?n b?ken by ? co?d, or cove?d wi? co?1oM incastalons, they are gul?iy r?h?ly ri?; t? ?bs ? cove? wi? n?w inter- m?ate gr?ves, m?k? wi? ? bl?k s? on the iu?rn?