Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/643

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618 ,?i)i)?NDiX. which consist or reddish jasper with e?dcedony, .?na � greenish flinty stone, like heliotrope,--the whole belongh? the tmp-formatio? POIlqT CUNlqlbIOHAIf,' eist of south from Cape L?v?que, and about one hundred and fihy miles south=west of Prince Regenes River.?Very compact and frae-grained reddish granular ?m?'tz, with a glistening lustre, and fiat concholdal fracture. This stone, though so compact in the recent frac- ture, has distinct traces of stratification on the decomposed surface, which is of a dull reddish hue. Bright red ferru- ginsus granu/.?r ?rrz, (Eisen-kieeel ?) with a glistening lustre, and a somewhat porous texture. "the soil uf the hills" at Cygnet ]?ty, consists of very fine reddish-yellow quartzose sand. A. large rounded pebble, consisting of ferruginous ?ran?r ?marrz, of a dark puq)!isho brown colour, and considerable density, was found here; near a fireplace of the natives, by whom it is used for. making their hatchets; with a fragment of a co?car? 6,- crt?to?'?on, like that of the west coast hereafter mentioned. The next specimens in CaptM'n King's onllect?on,--a space of n?xe than three hundred miles on this coast not having been examined by himsare from M_?.us I sLy-m), in Dam- pier's Archipelago [See Narrative, vol. i. p. 56] :--they ceu- 'sist of fine-grained '?r?*,?-f?on?, and what appears to be a bualtic rock, of. amygdaloidal structure. DtB. K HAB. TOO'S ISLA?TD, west Ol i?und of' rather fine-grained translucent quartzose c.?mst? ? c?%n?ee o.f t/m, of various shades of reddish and yellowish grey. 'this stone has in some places the stFueture of a breceia; the angles of tha imb?ded frag-