Page:Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala.djvu/26

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[CH. I.

laughing immoderately, there was something so ridiculous in the whole affair. It was now night, and Mr. Saviñon having had the kindness to purchase for me a new saddle and horse furniture to replace what I had thus lost, we left the garita about ten o'clock, with another escort of ten men, which I had provided for this dangerous journey,—the original escort having proceeded with the baggage.

We arrived at San Agustin about one o'clock in the morning: it was quite dark. We were set down at the gate of an old inn which was now occupied as a barrack, and the court yard was thickly strewed with soldiers sleeping in their cloaths and accoutrements, in the open air. We retreated to a smaller house, where, although there was less accommodation, there were fewer visitors to partake of it. I went up a ladder into a room where I found both my servants fast asleep. I had eaten nothing since two o'clock on that day, and was much fatigued and exhausted by the anxieties I had gone