Page:Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala.djvu/27

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CH. I.]

through, but I had some still greater and more vexatious yet to encounter. I partook of a leg of cold fowl, which Mr. Mayorga's servant had brought with him ready cooked, and some cold brandy and water, the only liquor which we could get at, whilst our beds were being arranged in the little apartment which this house afforded.

The bag which contained the doubloons was placed under the head of Ignacio, my valet, a smart active young man, and as honest, I believe, as most of the Mexican servants. It had a snap-spring lock, which closed of itself by pressure, but opened with a key. When I had unlocked it, he took out of it my sleeping-gown and night-cap, and one of the papers of doubloons fell, unexpectedly, upon the floor; but with all our search, the other paper, amounting to nearly £300 sterling, was not forthcoming, neither could I ever ascertain what had become of it. I was sorely vexed at the circumstance; but as I had made many objections, in the first instance, to take the money