Page:Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala.djvu/336

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brought into action with foreign trade to render it really useful to its possessors and those countries which might traffick with them. Why has this not been effected? In my humble opinion, the reason is this. The chief country to which the Guatemalian government anxiously looked for the recognition of their independence was Great Britain, where their minister not having been received as such, all their overtures for a treaty were suspended,—and what was the consequence? A restless spirit of domestic ambition, which had lain dormant under the thraldom of the gorgeous newly-created dignity then threatening to overwhelm it, burst suddenly into a flame;—the president and his party were attacked, and a civil war ensued. In this country, (Guatemala,) a little tact on the part of a diplomatic agent from any authoritative power might, probably, at this moment, have quelled the confusion. This, however, is only an humble opinion, though the result of sincere conviction, and, I trust, cannot prove a cause of