Page:Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala.djvu/337

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offence to those numerous parties in Guatemala which the delicacy of its subject so essentially involves. One thing is quite certain, that up to the first eight months after my arrival with my Report, the independence of Guatemala could not possibly have been acknowledged by Great Britain, owing to some insurmountable difficulties of an important and confidential nature which happened to occur; and the subsequent information received of the disorganized state of affairs would, under existing circumstances, have rendered further inclination to treat, on the part of the British government, to say the least, very unadviseable. Not the slightest blame can therefore be attached to this country for the unfortunate delay; and, if the result has proved calamitous to that republic, it is to be hoped that a reciprocity of amicable intentions may again arise, when circumstances shall make it appear that she is entitled to that consideration on the part of Great Britain which she, at first, so zealously coveted,