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Allman, Geo. — Note on the Structure and Terminology of the Reproductive System in the Corynidce and Sertulariadce. Ann. N. H. 3 ser. vi. p. 1.

A re- statement of the views contained in the author's pre- vious papers on the same subject, and a reply to certain objections urged against part of his terminology by Prof. Huxley.

Note on Carduella cyatliifornxis. Ann. N. H. 3 ser. vi.

p. 40.

Prof. Allman distinguishes three genera of Lucernariadce : — Lucernaria, Muller ; Carduella, Allman (= Calicinaria, Milne Edwards) ; and Depastrum, Gosse.

On Dicoryne stricta, a new Genus and Species of the Tu-

bulariada?. Eep. Brit. Ass. 1859. Trans. Sect. p. 142.

This form resembles Hydr actinia in habit, and in the struc- ture of its proliferous stalks, or gonoblastidia, around the bases of which are clustered the reproductive buds. But one specimen, a male, was dredged at Orkney, from a depth of about three fathoms.

On Laomedea tenuis, n. sp. Eep. Brit. Ass. 1858. (Trans.

Sect. p. 143.)

A delicate species akin to L. lacerata, from which it differs in having branches equal to the main stem in thickness, and in the form of its reproductive capsules, which give rise to free medusi- form gonophores.

On the Structure of the Lucernariada?. Eep. Brit. Ass. 1859.

Trans. Sect. p. 143.

Boeck, Chr. — Beskrivelse over en Tubularie fra Belsund paa Spitz- hergeii—Tubularia regalis. Forh. Vid. Selsk. (Aar. 1859) 1860, p. 114.

Clatjs, C. — Ueber PJiysopliora hydrostatica nebst Bemerkungen iiber andere Siphonophoren. Z. w. Z. x. p. 295.

The structure of the swimming organs (nectocalyces), with their curiously convoluted canals, and of the tentacular appa- ratus, receives the author's special attention.

Gegenbatjr, K. — Neue Beitrage zur naheren Kenntniss der Sipho- nophoren. 7 plates. 4to. Jena, 1860.

Gosse, P. H. — On the Lucernaria cyathiformis of Sars. Ann. N. H. 3 ser. v. p. 480.

Mr. Gosse makes of this form a new genus, Depastrum, which he considers identical Avith Carduella of Allman, and claims, therefore, priority for his own term. But see Allman, above.

Greene, J. Beat. — On Sertularia tricuspidata. Ann. N. Hist. 3 ser. v. p. 431.

This name, given by Mr. A. Murray to a Californian Sertula- rian, had previously been applied by Mr. Alder to a British form of that genus. Mr. Murray has since corrected his misno- mer, and called his new species " S. Greenei" (See Murray).

JaGER. — Ueber das spontane Zerfallen der Siisswasserpolypen nebst