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einigen Bemerkungen iiber Generationswechsel. Plate. Vien. Bitz; 60.

Three specimens of Hydra were isolated in small vessels. One of these, which did not produce buds, died. The two others, fur- nished with buds, spontaneously broke up into fragments which, after the expiration of a month, were observed to move like Amoebae, and even multiply by self- division, while some passed into a state resembling the encysted condition of certain Infusoria. Thus, it is conjectured, they may remain throughout the winter, and, in spring time, become changed into perfect Hydra?.

Houghton, W. — On the Hydra rubra of Mr. Lewes.

Iveferstein, W., and Ehlers, W. — Auszug aus den Beobachtungen iiber die Siphonophoren von Neapel und Messina, angestellt im Winter 1859-60. Wiegin. Arch. I. 1860. p. 324. (from Gott, Nachr. 1860. No. 23-25-26.

Lewes, G. H. — On a new British Species of Hydra. Ann. Nat. Hist. 3 ser. v. p. 71.

Hydra rubra only differs from H. vulgaris in its colour, which, according to Mr. Lewes, it retains in captivity for weeks, and transmits to its numerous free buds.

Murray, And. — Description of new Sertulariadae from the Califor- nian coast. ("With Tigs.) Ann. N. H. 3 ser. v. p. 250.

The three species of Sertularia, and two of Flumularia, de- scribed in this paper, were taken in the Bay of San Francisco. With one exception, they closely approach some British forms of the same genera.

On Sertularia tricuspidata (Greenei). Ann. Nat. H. 3 ser.

v. p. 504.

Price, John. — On the Genus Cydippe. Rep. Brit. Ass. 1839. Trans. Lect. p. 155.

Mr. Price tells us that he has kept the delicate Cydippe pileus in captivity for thirteen months. The fact is note- worthy, and should be taken advantage of by those who wish to study the structure of these animals.

Van Beneden. — On the Strobilation of the Scyphistomata. Ann. N. H. 3 ser. v. p. 504. From Bull. Ac. Boy. Belg. 2me ser. vii.

A confirmation of Sar's well known observations, with which, hitherto, Yan Beneden had not been disposed wholly to agree.

Sars. — Udtog af en Anhandlmg om Ainmeshegten Corymorplia og dens Arter Samt de af disse opammende Meduser. Forhand. Vedensk. Selskabet, Aar. 1859, (1860), p. 95. -

XXXV.— Protozoa.

Claparede, E. et J. Lachmann. — Etudes sur les Infusoires et les Bhizopodes. (Tome ler en 3 livraisons.) Tom. I. Parts 1, 2. 24 plates. 4to. Geneva, 1860.

VOL. I. — N. H. R. 2 X