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Engelmakn - , F. W. — Ueber Fortpflanzung von Epistylis crassicollis, CarcTiesium polypinum, Sfc. Plate. Zeitschr. w. Z. x. 2.

Lecoq, H. — Observations snr une grand espece de Spongille du Lac Pavin (Puy deDome). Compt. rend., Tom. 1. pp. 1116-21 and No. 26, June 25, pp. 1165-70.

These observations relate chiefly to the colour, spicules, and sarcode substance of what is believed to be a new species of fresh- water sponge. Little is said of the reproductive bodies.

Lemaiee, N. — Sur le role des Infusoires et des matieres albumineuses dans la fermentation, la germination, et la fecondation. Comp. rend. LI. p. 536, 627.

" I think, (says M. Lemaire), that the Infusoria so abun- dantly diffused in nature, and which have been proved to occup in the seminal fluid of almost all known animals, and in the male organs of nearly every plant, constitute the primum movens of the pheno- mena of fermentation, of germination, and of fecundation, but that, for their action to manifest itself, contact (reunion) with albuminoid matters seems indispensable."

Paekee, "W. K., and Jokes, T. E.— On the Nomenclature of the Foraminifera. Ann. N. H. 3 ser. v. p. 98-174, 285-466, vi. p. 29, 337.

A continuation of a series of papers in previous departments of the same subject. The species mentioned by Fichtel and Moll, Lamarck and Denis de Montfort, are here reviewed.

Peitciiaed, A. — History of Infusoria, including Desmidiacese and Diatomacea?, British and foreign, 4th ed. enlarged and revised by J. T. Arlidge, "W. Archer, J. Balfs, W. C. "Williamson and the author. 40 plates. 8vo. 1860. coloured, 50s ; plain, 36s.

A notice of this work appeared in the last number of the Natural History Beview, p. 121.

Eetzius, A. — Ueber Trompetenthierchen als Eohrenbewohner. L. Nat. 1860.

Schttltze, Max. — Die Grattung Comaspira mitev d.Monothalamien,u. Bemerkungen iiber d. Organisation u. Fortpflanzung d. Polythala- mien. "Wiegm. Arch. 1860. I. pp. 3-287.

Sur une nouvelle espece d'eponge (Hyalonema) prise pour

une polype. Compt. rend., Tom. L. pp. 792-3.

M. Max Schultze differs from M. Brandt and Dr. Gray as to the nature of Hyalonema, which he regards as a true sponge, not a polype parasitic on sponges.

Stein (P.) der Organismus der Infusionsthiere nach eigenen Por- schungen in systematischer Eeihenfolge bearb. Vol. I. Allgemeiner Theil u. Naturgeschichte der hypotrichen Infusionsthiere. 14 plates. Polio. Leipz.

VALEisrciEisnsrEs, A. — Note sur les Spongiaires envoy es des cotes de l'Attique, par M. Albert Graudry. Comp. rend. LI. p. 579.

The name Adytkia is proposed for a genus of Sponges, cha- racterized by the ready solubility of their entire substance in