Page:Natural History Review (1861).djvu/392

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Dr. Alex. Schrenk annis 1840-1843, collectaruni (contmuabitur). — Mosc. Bull. 1860, pp. 65-162.

Prom Manunculacece to CaryopJiyllacece. Diptycliocarpus, a new genus of Cruciferse, is described.

Tremeait de Bochebrtj^e, A. et A. Savatier. — Catalogue raisonne des plantes phanerogaines qui croissent spontanement dans le departement de la Charente. 8vo. pp. 294. Paris, Bailliere.

Treyirai^tjs, L. C. — Ueber die Prucht yon Chimonanthus, Bot. Z. 1860, p. 337.

At the narrowed extremity of the fruits were formed five re- flexed organs, which observation of their development showed to be persistent, elongated and thickened filaments.

Ueber Melampyrum pratense mit gold-gelben Kronen. Bot.

Z. 1860, pp. 337-8.

— — Weitere Bemerkun^en liber monstrose Blatter von Aristo-

locliia macrophylla. With 1 pi. Bon. Yerhand, d. N. H. V. 1860,

pp. 327-330.

With an account of the progressive stages in the development of

abnormal cup- and trough-shaped appendages on the under surface

of the leaves. Verlot, B. — Voyage de la Societe botanique de Prance a Grenoble

et dans les Hautes-Alpes en 1860. Eev. Hort. I860, pp. 521-


Itinerary, with record of the interesting species collected. Wagner, Pudole. — Ueber den Oelgehalt einiger forstlicher Samen.

Wiirz. Nat. Z. Bd. 1 pp. 161-2.

Giving the percentage of oil obtained from the seeds of Beech,

Hazel, species of Pinus, &c. Wartmaists", Elie. — Note relative a 1' influence de froids excessifs sur

les graines. Arch. Sc. Phys. et Nat. Aug. 1860, p. 277. Walker-Arnott, G-. A. — Note on Hypericum anglicum, A. N. H.

Ser. 3. vi. pp. 362-6. Watson, H. C. — Part Pirst of a Supplement to the ' Cybele Britan-

nica.' Loud. 1860. (Privately distributed).

Containing two tabulated lists of British plants, showing, to- gether, the distribution of each species through the subprovincial

areas adopted by Mr. Watson in the 4th vol. of the ' Cybele.' The

subprovinces, 38 in number, are denoted by figures. Weber, C. O. — Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Pflanzlichen Missbild-

uno-en. With 2 plates. Bonn Yerhand. d. N. H. Y. 1860, pp. 333-

388. Weddell, M. — Papport sur un Memoire relatif au Cynomoriwn coc-

cineum (Brongniart, Tulasne, and Decaisne, Commissaires). C.

Eend. Aug. 1860. Welcej5R, H. — Notiz ueber das Ausspritzen des Saffces beim Zerreis-

sen saftio;er Pflanzentheile. Pringsheim's Jahrbiicher, fiir Wiss.

Bot. Bd. ii. pp. 468-9. Wydler, II. — Kleinere Beitrage zur Kenntiiiss einheimischer Gre-