Page:Natural History Review (1861).djvu/393

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wachse (Fortsetzung). Flora, 1860, pp. 517-559 (Compositee) : 593-600 (Campanulaceae, Vaceineae) : 609-617 (Ericine??, Pyro- leae, Monotropeae) : 625-631 (Ebenacese, Oleacea?, Jasminea?, Asclepiadere, Apocyneae), 673-685 (Boragineae).

Kleinere Beitrage zur Kenntniss emheimiseher Gewachse.

Berichtigungen uud Zusatze zu der XN. 2-13 dieses Jahrganges.

—Flora. 1860. pp. 753-765. Zetteestedt, J. E. — Vegetations-skizzer fran Pyreneerna. Overs.

Svensk. Handl. (Stockholm, 1860), pp. 23-51. Sect. 1. Jemfdrelse

mellan Superbagneres ocli Cazaril. ii. Excursion till Venascpie

ocli Castenese. iii. Excursion till Pic du Midi, Marbore ocli

Breche de Eoland. 1. c. pp. 407-121.

Botanisk resa till medlersta Xorges fjelltraker under Sommarren,


XXXIX. — Cetptogamia. 1. Filicales.

Beegeeotst, G-eoeges. — Sur l'existence de trachees dans les Fougeres.

Bull. Soc. Botan. Jour. vii. pp. 338-9.

M. Bergeron finds unrollable spiral vessels in the bulbils

of Diplazium poliferum, Ccenopteris fcenicula, C. Thalictroides,

Asplenium, proliferum, &c. They also occur in very young loaves

of the first named species. They become eventually replaced by

scalariform, annular or reticulated vessels. Bolle, Gael. — Zur Vegetationsgeschichte Beschreibung Cultur, &c.

des Asplenium Seelosii. Bonpl. 1861, pp. 18-23. Beaun, A. — Eevisio Selaginellarum. A. S. IS", xiii. Ceugee. — Zur Kenntniss der Hyuienophyllaceen von H. Criiger.

Botanische Zeitung, 9 Nov. 1860.

This paper contains some observations, accompanied by figures,

on the fructification of the genera Trichomanes and Hymeno-

phyllum. Duval-Jouee, J. — Sur une particularite que presente V Equisetum

hiemale, L. Bull. Soc. Botan. Tom. vii. pp. 164-7.

The author's observations were made in the neighbourhood of

  • For convenience of reference it is intended to divide the Bibliography of Cryp-

togamic Botany into five portions, viz., Filicales, Muscales, Lichens, Fungi and Algre. Under the head Filicales will be included works relating to the following orders, namely, Filices, Ophioglossaceae, Equisetacea?, Marsiieacese and Lycopo- diaca?. Under " Muscales" will be found the works relating to the orders Ricciaceae, Marchantiacae, Jungermannise, and Musci. Works on the Gharacese will be placed under " Algte."