Page:Natural History Review (1861).djvu/394

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Strasbourg where this Eqimetum grows very abundantly, and is collected for market. He finds the toothing of the sheaths to be very variable, even upon the same stem or upon stems from the same rhizome.

Eaton, Dan. C. — Filices Wrightianse et Fendlerianse, nempe "Wright- ianae Cubenses et Fendlerianse Venezuelanse (nonnullis Panamen- sibus, etc. ex coll. A. Schott et S. Ha}^es interjectis), enumerata? novseque descripta?. Mem. Ac. Am. Sc. et Ant. 1860. N. B. vol. viii. pp. 193-220.

Haszltjstsky. — Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Karpathen-Flora. Le- bermoose. "Wien. Z. B. V. Band x. p. 315.

About 50 species of Eicciaceae, Marchantiacese and Junger- manniaceae are here given as belonging to the Flora of the dis- trict, but the author admits that the account is probably incom- plete. No new species are described.

Juratzea.. — Zur Moosflora Oesterreichs. Vien. Z. B. V. Band x. pp. 121, 367, 673.

These are three short papers on the mosses of Austria. They are almost entirely of local interest, but the second contains some remarks on " Neckera Sendtneriana" of the Bryologia Europsea. The author has lately discovered the plants in fruit, the occur- rence of which is very rare. The plant is dioecious, and he de- scribes its male and female flowers, and gives reasons for retaining it in the genus Neckera instead of placing it in Omalia, as pro- posed by Lobarzewski and Schimper.

Lowe, E. J. — Eerns, British and Exotic. Vol. viii. 108 plates. 8vo. London, 1860.

Moore. — Index Eilicum. Part 10. London. "William Pamplin.

This part contains figures of the following genera : Yittaria, Lindssea, Schizoloma, Dictyoxyphium, Adiantum, Hewardia, Adi- antopsis, Cheilanthes, Hypolepis, Cassebeera, Plecosorus and Onychium.

Kegel, E. — Ueber Earn und deren anzucht aus Sporen. Mitthn. Euss. Gartenb. Yer. 1860. Heft 2, pp. 97-105.

Eeltstsch, Pall. — Morphologische Mittheilungen. (Schluss).

Weitere Beobachtung des Ueberganges getrennter alterni- render Wirtel in eine Spiralwindung an einem unfruchtbaren Sten- gel von Equisetum Telmateia, nebst Bestatigung der in einem friiheren Aufsatze (Flora, 1858) gegebenen Erklarung dieser Erscheinung. Flora, I860, pp. 737-740.

2. Muscales.

Helflee. — Untersuchungen iiber die Hypneen Tirol's, von Ludwig Eitter von Heufler (aus den Yerhandlungen der k. k. Zool. bot. Gesellschaft in Wien (Jahrgang 1860, Abhandlungen) besonders abgedruckt.)

Of the 113 European species, 83 are described as Tyrolean,