Page:Natural History Review (1861).djvu/405

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radiating cellules ; spharospores numerous, internal, obovate, crucial, occupying the summit of the perpendicular series of cel- lules.

This plant is classified by the authors in Trib. II. of the Squa- maria? (J. Ag.), for which they establish a new section.

The above paper contains also descriptions of a new species of Callithamnion, and a new species of Calothrix. It is accompanied by 2 plates, containing 41 figures.

Dippel. — Versteinerte algen. Eegensburg Flora, 1SG0, p. 207.

Donkls. — On the marine DiatomaceaD of Northumberland, with a description of several new species. By Arthur Scott Donkin, M.D., L.E.C.S. Quart. J. M. S. New series, pt. 1.

Druce. — On the reproductive process in the Confervoidae. By T. C. Druce, Esq. Q, J. M. S. April, 1860. Yol. viii. p. 71.

Famestzin". — Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Yalonia utricularis von A. Famintzin. Botanische Zeitung, Oct. 26, 1860.

From the results of his observations, the author draws the conclusion that the groups of cells of Valonia must be considered, not as colonies of unicellular individuals, but as multicellular plants, composed of stem, root, and branch cells. He considers that Yalonia, in its structure, growth, and mode of junction of its cells, as well as in the development and structure of its zoospores, is clearly allied to Cladophora, from which it differs in the want of apical growth and irregular ramification of its thallus, and par- ticularly in the fact of each cell (except the root- cells) being capable of throwing out branches from any point of the surface.

Greville. — On Campylodiscus, &c, by E. K. Greville, L.L.D., F.E.S.E., &c. Q. J. M. S. Jan. 1860, vol. viii. p. 29.

■ " A monograph of the genus Asterolampra, including Asterom-

phalus and Spatangidium, by E. K. Greville, L.L.D., F.E.S.E., &c. Q. J. M. S. April, 1860, vol. viii. p. 102.

Grlxow. — Ueber neue oder ungeniigend gekannte Algen. Erste Folge Diatomaceen, Familie NavicuLaceen. "VYien. Z. B. Y. Band x. p. 503.

This paper contains some general introductory remarks upon the structure of diatoms, followed by a new arrangement of the order (making eleven families and 73 genera), founded principally upon the system of Kiitzing. Smith's arrangement is objected to, as having the effect of separating closely allied genera, and of breaking up of other genera and even species. The author gives a detailed account of the family Naviculacc?e, which he arranges in 13 genera, including a new one, Scoliopleura, formed for the reception of Navicula Jenneri, convexa and AYestii of Smith, and of tAvo new species discovered by the writer. The genus is dis- tinguished from Navicula by the fact of the median line not being always sigma-shaped, and by the relative position of the valves, which, when seen from above, do not cover, but cut one another at an acute angle,