Page:Natural History Review (1861).djvu/406

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Harvey. -Index Generum Algarum ; or, a Systematic Catalogue of tlie Genera of Alga?, Marine and Freshwater, with an alphabetical key to all the names and synonyms, by W. H. Harvey, M.D., E.E.S., &c. London, John van Voorst, 1860.

Dr. "W. H. — Phycologia Australica; or, a History of Aus- tralian Sea Weeds, 1860. London, L. Keeve. Vol. iii. and iv. fasc. 31, 32. Tab. cxxi.-cxcii.

Hicks. — On the amoeboid condition of Volvox globator, by J. Brax- ton Hicks, M.D., Lond,, E.L.S., &c. Q. J. M. S. April, 1860. Vol. viii. p. 99.

. Contributions to the knowledge of the development of the

gonidia of Lichens in relation to the unicellular Algse, &o, by J. Braxton Hicks, M.D., Lond., E.L.S., &c. Fasc. I. Q. J. M. S. October, 1860. Vol. viii. p. 239.

Contributions to the knowledge of the development of the

gonidia of Lichens in relation to the unicellular Alga?. By J. Braxton Hicks, M.D. Lond., E.L.S. Fasc. II. Quart. J. M. S. New Series, part I.

Hohenacker, Dr. E. P.— Alga? marina? siccata?. Eine Sammlung europaischer u. auslandischer Meeralgen in getrockneter Exem- plaren, mit einem kurzen Texte versehen von Prof. Dr. Kiitzmg. Achte Lieferung, 50 Arten enthaltend. Herausgegeben von Dr. E. E. Hohenacker Kirchheim u. T., Konigreich Wurtemberg, 1860, fol.

Johnstoke and Croall. — The nature-printed sea-weeds : a history, accompanied by figures and dissections, of the Alga? of the British Isles, by William Grosart Johnstone and Alexander Croall. Nature-printed, by Henry Bradbury. Vols. 2, 3, 4. London, Bradbury, 1859-60. Eoy. 8vo. Vol. 2. Ehodospermea?. Vol. 3. Melanospermea?. Vol. 4. Chlorospermea?.

Karsten.— Berechtigung zu Pringsheim's Nachtrag zur Kritik und Geschichte der TJntersuchungen ii-ber das Algengeschlecht von Dr. Hermann Karsten Botanische Zeitiuig, Dec. 14, 1860.

This paper refers to a matter (of opinion) in dispute between the author and Dr. Pringsheim as to the mode of impregnation in Vaucheria. The bitterness of feeling which it exhibits, and the uncourteous manner in which the author speaks of his opponent, are much to be regretted, and are of a nature rarely to be met with in a scientific discussion. It is surprising that the editors of the Botanische Zeitung should have admitted such personalities into their columns.

Kutzing, Fr. T. — Tabulae phycologicae od. Abbildgn. der Tange. Vol. x. 100 plates. Eoy. 8vo. Nordh. 1860. col. plates.

Lawson, Geo. — On the structure and development of Botrydium Granulatum. Ed. Bot. Soc. Trans, vi. 424-431. With 1 PL

Lobb. — On the self-division of Micrasterias denticulata by Mr. Lobb.

Q. J. M. S. New Series, No. 1. Lowe, John.— On Sarcina ventriculi, Good. Ed. Bot. Soc. Trans, vi. 371-7.