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Nov. 4, 1869]

should get a sort of key to the strange cypher band called the spectrum, which might prove of inestimable value, not only in the future, but in a proper understanding of all the telescopic observations of the past. We should, in fact, be thus able to translate the language of the spectroscope. Again, by observing the spectrum of the same prominence both before and during, or during and after the eclipse, the effect of the glare on the visibility of the lines could be determined—but I confess I should not like to be the observer charged with such a task.

What, then, is the evidence furnished by the American observers on the nature of the corona? It is bizarre and puzzling to the last degree! The most definite statement on the subject is, that it is nothing more nor less than a permanent solar aurora! the announcement being founded on the fact, that three bright lines remained visible after the image of a prominence had been moved away from the slit, and that one (if not all) of these lines is coincident with a line (or lines) noticed in the spectrum of the aurora borealis by Professor Winloch.

Now it so happens that among the lines which I have observed up to the present time—some forty in number—this line is among those which I have most frequently recorded it is, in fact, the first iron line which makes its appearance in the part of the spectrum I generally study when the iron vapour is thrown into the chromosphere. Hence I think that I should always see it if the corona were a permanent solar aurora, and gave out this as its brightest line; and on this ground alone I should hesitate to regard the question as settled, were the new hypothesis less startling than it is. The position of the line is approximately shown in the woodcut (Fig. 1) near E, together with the other lines more frequently seen.

It is only fair, however, to Professor Young, to whom is due this important observation, to add that Professor Harkness also declares for one bright line in the spectrum of the corona, but at the same time he, Professor Pickering, and indeed others, state its spectrum to be also continuous, a remark hard to understand unless we suppose the slit to have been wide, and the light faint, in either of which cases final conclusions can hardly be drawn either way.

So much, then, for the spectroscopic evidence with which we are at present acquainted on the most important point. The results of the other attacks on the same point are equally curious and perplexing. Formerly, a favourite argument has been that because the light of the corona is polarised; therefore it is solar. The American observers state that the light is not polarised—a conclusion, as M. Faye has well put it, "very embarrassing for Science." Further,—stranger still if possible,—it is stated that another line of inquiry goes to show that, after all, Halley may be right, and that the corona may really be due to a lunar atmosphere.

I think I have said enough to show that the question of the corona is by no means settled, and that the new method has by no means superseded the necessity of carefully studying eclipses; in fact, their observation has become of much greater importance than before; and I earnestly hope that all future eclipses in the civilised area in the old world will be observed with as great earnestness as the last one was in the new. Certainly, never before was an eclipsed sun so thoroughly tortured with all the instruments of Science. Several hundred photographs were taken, with a perfection of finish which may be gathered from the accompanying reproduction of one of them.

Fig 2.—Copy of a photograph of the Eclipse of August 7, obtained by Professor Morton's party

The Government, the Railway and other companies, and private persons threw themselves into the work with marvellous earnestness and skill; and the result was that the line of totality was almost one continuous observatory, from the Pacific to the Atlantic. We read in Silliman's Journal, "There seems to have been scarcely a town of any considerable magnitude along the entire line, which was not garrisoned by observers, having some special astronomical problem in view." This was as it should have been, and the American Government and men of science must be congratulated on the noble example they have shown to us, and the food for future thought and work they have accumulated.

Since writing the above, I find the following independent testimony in favour of Dr. Frankland's and my own notion of the corona in the Astronomische Nachrichten, from the pen of Dr. Gould. He says:—"Its form varied continually, and I obtained drawings for three epochs at intervals of one minute. It was very irregular in form, and in no apparent relation with the protuberances on the sun, or the position of the moon. Indeed, there were many phenomena which would almost lead to the belief that it was an atmospheric rather than a cosmical phenomenon. One of the beams was at least 30' long."


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THIS work contains forty-five carefully executed plates of Danish Antiquities belonging to the Stone age. The first represents the Shellmound of Fannerup; a difficult subject, very faithfully rendered, as the present writer can testify. The three following plates give the common and characteristic objects of the Shellmounds. Then follow ten plates devoted to tumuli and dolmens. These are admirably executed, those of the great chambered tumulus at Uby being particularly successful. Plates xv. to xx. give