Page:Negro servant, an authentic and interesting narrative of a young Negro servant.pdf/5

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wicked must be turned into hell fire. For me felt, that me was very wicked sinner, and that make me cry. And he talk much about the love of Christ to sinners, and that make me cry more. And me thought me must love Jesus Christ, but me not know how, and that make me cry again.'

'Did you hear more sermons than one, during that month?'

'Yes, Sir, Master give me leave to go three times, and all the times me wanted to love Jesus more, and do what Jesus said; but my heart seem sometime hard, like a stone.'

'Have you ever heard any preaching since that time?'

'Never, till me hear sermon at this church last Sunday, and then me long to be baptised in Jesu's name; for me had no Christian friend, to baptise me, when little child.'

'And what have been your thoughts all the time since you heard these sermons in America; did you tell any body then what you felt?'

'No, me speak to nobody, but to God then. The goot minister say, that God hear the cry of the poor; so me cry to God, and he hear me. And me often think about Jesus Christ, and wish to be like him.'

'Can you read?'

'A little.'

'Who taught you to read?'

'God teach me to read.'

'What do you mean by saying so?'

'God give me desire to read, and that make reading easy. Master give me Bible, and one sailor shew me the letters; and so me learnt to read by myself, with God's goot help.'

'And what do you read in the Bible?'

'Oh! me read all about Jesus Christ, and how he loved sinners; and wicked me killed him, and he died, and came again from the grave, and all this for poor Negro. And it sometimes make me cry, to think that Christ