Page:Negro servant, an authentic and interesting narrative of a young Negro servant.pdf/6

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love so poor Negro.'

And what do the people say about your reading and and praying, and attention to the things of God?'

'Some wicked people that do not love Jesus Christ, call me great fool, and Negro dog, and black hypocrite. And that make me sometime feel angry: but then me remember, Christian must not be angry for that. Jesus Christ was called ugly black names, and he was quiet as a lamb: and so then me remember Jesus Christ, and me say nothing again to them.'

I was much delighted with the simplicity and apparent sincerity of this poor Negro; and wished to ascertain what measure of light and feeling he possessed on a few leading points St. Paul's summary of religion occurring to me, I said, 'Tell me, what is faith? what is your own faith! What do you believe about Jesus Christ, and your own soul?'

'Me believe,' said he, 'that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners; and though me be chief of sinners, yet Jesus will save me, though me be only poor black Negro.'

'What is your hope? What do you hope for, both as to this life, and that which is to come?'

'Me hope Christ Jesus will take goot care of me, and keep me from sin and harm, while me live here; sad me hope, when me come to die, to go, and live with him always and never die again.'

'What are your thoughts about Christian love and charity?' I mean, whom and what do you most love?'

'Me love God the Father, because he was so good to send his Son. Me love Jesus Christ, because he love me. Me love all men, black men and white men too; for God made them all. Me love goot Christian people, because Jesus live them, and they love Jesus.'

Such was my first conversation with this young dis-

Now abideth faith, hope, charity; these three; but the, greatest of there is charity.