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that way, that I could not help indulging in a series of leaps occasionally. I examined my toilet very carefully; the fit was perfect. My cloak fell over my shoulders in an elegant manner, and the cap was becoming. I smiled as I intended to smile at the ball, and saw my teeth. They were not full-grown as yet, but very white and even. I shook my feet; everything was right. One more side look at the mirror, and I was leaving the room, when I met Yeyema, who said they were ready.

The party, a small one, consisting of Yeyema, Vandalia, myself, and a few others, ascended the vehicle, and we soon found ourselves driving through Tehana, past the Great Fountain, and on our way to the wharf. On our arrival there, we found Yeyema's launch, the Pelides, waiting for us. I expected the company would be larger. Yeyema, however, informed me that nearly the whole of those who intended going to the ball had already gone.

The trip was a pleasant one. The Pelides cut through the water with wonderful velocity. We passed one of the floating villages on its way to Atazatlan, laden with people, who were having a ball of their own on board, no doubt by way of a preliminary.