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Numbers of fishes of different sizes, and beautifully marked, kept constantly leaping high up out of the water. Some fell on the deck, but leaped back into the sea almost immediately by a peculiar kind of jerk. At the same time a cloud of seabirds, of varied plumage and voice, hovered above and around us. Thus we sped on through fishes and birds, leaving behind us only a long narrow trail to show where we had passed.

Vandalia looked superb, and was cheerful, amusing herself by throwing crumbs to the birds, that eagerly watched every movement of her hand. Yeyema talked much, and appeared very happy, yet on more than one occasion since we left Tehana I noticed a cloud pass over his brow, and wondered why this should be.

Long before we got near Atazatlan, we had to travel at less than half speed, owing to the vast number of ships (all swarmed with people) arriving and departing. Probably a number equal to those arriving were leaving, and on seeking an explanation, Vandalia informed me there were several balls, excursions, picnics, and gatherings of various kinds about to take place in different localities. Even in Atazatlan itself, the President's Ball was not the only attraction. There would be several