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again, and whatever had been at it before appeared to have returned, so I gave it another pull, but no fish. However, I let it down very gently in the same place for the third time, and fully determined to let him "have it." The float began to go under as before, but I took no notice of it for some time, then gave a sudden jerk. Yes, I had him this time, and a heavy fish too. However, I was puzzled, on swinging him into the air, to see that he had four legs and a tail. I dropped him on the ground, and ran towards him. He however did not move till I was pretty near; then he made a spring, quick as lightning, landed on my leg a little below the knee, and buried his claws and teeth deep into my flesh, the hook still sticking in his mouth. I was in the act of endeavouring to pull him off, when Yondozi, who had noticed the affair, came running up. He caught him in a manner that instantly made him relax his hold, then held him up in his hand.

I now had an opportunity of examining the animal. It was about the size of an opossum, and had thick, glossy hair. Yondozi called it a velixit, and said they were prized on account of their fur. Saying this, he took the hook out of his mouth, and flung him back again into the water. Then he