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advised me to return to the camp and attend to my leg, as the wounds might prove dangerous.

However, I did not follow his advice, but merely washed them with water; and although they were very painful for a time, they soon healed up.

I shifted again. This time, however, I had better luck, and caught four fine fish in succession. Then I joined my friend, and we returned to the camp.

I was taken up with the beauties of Lake Orania, as it was called, and expressed my wonder to Yondozi that no one had made a residence in such an attractable neighbourhood. He said it was some distance away from the settled parts, and that there were many such lakes in Neuroomia.

We remained in this wild and wonderful locality, fishing and exploring the country, for a space of time equal to a few of our days, then packed the flanillas, now much refreshed by the halt, and resumed our journey. Our path for a time led along the banks of the lake, and as we were leaving it, I turned round and gazed in the direction of its shores till the last patch of still water was lost to view.

Our next camping-place was of a different character, the timber being scanty and of stunted