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but even if they were successful in getting through the channel, great difficulties would be experienced on reaching the outer border of the field, where they would be sure to meet with vast quantities of broken ice. This, however, was the proper time for the venture. The season was in every way favourable for the enterprise, and fortune might favour them.

The flag floated playfully in the breeze, and the smoke travelled far, but the vessel kept getting farther and farther away; so we decided to return, and took our departure, but not before I sadly waved adieu to the Penguin.

We went back by easy stages to the camp where we left the others. Here we remained for a time to refresh the animals, and then commenced our return journey to Atazatlan. It proved as interesting and enjoyable as the other, and although I was disappointed in the object of the expedition, yet the trip was a pleasant one, so pleasant, indeed, that on the way I could not refrain from expressing the hope to Yondozi that I would have many similar excursions among the mountains of Neuroomia.

He replied, that would be a very easy matter, for the Government sent out scientific expeditions