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every summer to make explorations and surveys, and apart from these there were always several private tourist parties who, during the holiday season, preferred the solitude of the mountain lakes and sea shore to the gaities of Atazatlan and Tehana. He continued, this travelling and camping business was considered to be one of the best and healthiest ways of enjoying life, and a very large section of the people appeared to be aware of the fact.

In Neuroomia, vast as the territory was, there were neither deserts nor great plains resembling those I had described as existing in other parts of the world. Their continent was nearly surrounded by an open sea, from the shores of which rose vast mountain chains that encircled their territory on every side. Of course there were several passes over them, but the only water highway that communicated with the great icefields beyond was the channel leading from the Nocalattan Sea.

With regard to the surface of the country, it might be described as consisting of mountains, hills, forests, undulating tracts, level grassy pastures and cultivated fields, but everywhere well watered by rivers, lakes, and streams.

When we arrived at Atazatlan, we found ban-