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condition had certainly improved in many countries during recent years, but that much still remained to be done, and at the present time some of our ablest men were working in that direction. It now occurred to me that I had seen no delicate or unhealthy-looking persons in Atazatlan, nor did r hear of any strikes or inflammatory speeches. This led me to ask if they had no hospitals in the city.

“No!” was the reply; “we have no use for them. Diseases do still make their appearance in Neuroomia at long intervals, but we invariably manage to stamp them out in the bud. Our physicians are employed by the State, and each one has the supervision of a district, and reports to the central government of the State in which he is located the outbreak of any disease of an infectious or contagious character, and also furnishes periodical accounts of the general health of the people. It is also their duty to visit, give advice and medicine where required, and attend to the sick. Multifarious as these functions may at first appear, yet the work of our physicians is extremely light, but the responsibility is great, for we hold that nothing can be of greater import to a nation than the health of its people.”