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“Have you any idea how your civilization originated?” I inquired.

“It is believed that the ancient inhabitants of Neuroomia—that is, our forefathers—were savages,” was the answer, “and also that our civilization originated through necessity or accident—perhaps both.”

“It appears to be founded on a firm basis,” I remarked.

“That,” he said, “is the result of design, and I can give you information on that point. Our history tells us that the object of the ancient sages of the land was to secure perfect health for every individual, or, in other words, to have a people with healthy bodies and healthy minds. This they considered to be the first and most important step in the direction of a high civilization.”

“And they were successful,” I interjected.

“Yes,” he said, “it appears they were, and that it was only the work of a few generations.”

“How was this accomplished?” I asked.

“Many things had to be considered,” was the answer. “In the first place,” he continued, “they had to make themselves acquainted with Nature’s laws, and then abide by them. Then again, their marriage laws were of a stringent character, and